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AI/LLM and Secure Software Development

What AppSec Pros Need To Know About AI/LLM

In a world where 67% of organizations are either using or planning to use AI, the software development landscape is undergoing a seismic shift.  Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Large Language Models (AI/ML/LLMs) aren't just buzzwords anymore—they are reshaping how we build, secure, and innovate.

The potential benefits of AI/ML/LLMs are staggering. From automated code generation and intelligent testing to predictive analytics and enhanced application security, these technologies have the potential to unlock unprecedented levels of efficiency, productivity, and creativity.

However, as we embrace this AI-powered future, it's crucial to proceed with a responsible and ethical approach. Concerns about bias, misinformation, and the potential for misuse must be proactively addressed.

Here's Your C-Suite's Guide to AI/LLM Security

The future of software development is not about replacing humans with AI, but about empowering developers with intelligent tools. It's about fostering a symbiotic relationship where human creativity and AI capabilities combine to drive innovation.

AI vs ML vs LLM

Security Journey AI-LLM

Artificial Intelligence

AI refers to the knowledge in a model that you're going to apply to tasks. Under the AI term, there are two types:

  • Specific AI - Concentrated on a particular functionality
  • Generic AI - AI that has many use cases

Think of AI-powered customer service agents that understand and respond to user queries, as a good example.

Security Journey Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Machine learning is computer software learning to adapt without explicate instructions from humans. This can be broken into two types:

  • Unsupervised Learning - Unlabeled data that AI defines and tries to gain insight into relationships within that data
  • Supervised Learning - Clean, structured, labeled data from a data prep phase to train the AI

An example of ML is Automated testing, where systems learn from previous test cases to generate new test scenarios and identify potential bugs.

Security Journey LLM

Large Language Models

A specialized type of AI model trained on massive amounts of text data to understand and generate human-like language. LLMs excel at tasks such as language translation, summarization, and question-answering.

An example of an LLM is natural language interfaces that enable users to interact with software using everyday language instead of complex commands. 

Popular AI/LLM Tools for Developers & Security Professionals

AI Software Development Companies You Should Know

More than half of developers have used AI-driven coding tools at least once, according to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023.

These tools have gained popularity due to their ability to analyze extensive code data and provide contextually relevant suggestions, helping teams speed up and enhance the efficiency of the coding process.

The realm of AI-driven coding is advancing quickly, with improvements in machine learning algorithms and natural language processing leading to more sophisticated and precise tools.

Read From Code Generation to Bug Detection: The AI Tools Every Developer Should Know (And How to Stay Secure)

Staying updated with the latest developments in this area will be crucial for developers and organizations looking to leverage AI/LLM in software development. This involves keeping informed about new features, updates, and best practices, as well as understanding the potential impacts on code quality, security, and collaboration within development teams.


Code Generation Tools

AI and machine learning models can analyze code repositories, vulnerability databases, and historical security incidents to predict potential vulnerabilities in new code.

This allows developers to proactively address security risks before they are exploited. In addition, large language models can be trained on vulnerability descriptions and their fixes to suggest secure coding alternatives for potentially vulnerable code.


  • GitHub Copilot - This AI-powered tool leverages machine learning to suggest code snippets based on the context of your work. It can significantly speed up development and reduce repetitive tasks
  • Tabnine - Similar to GitHub Copilot, Tabnine provides intelligent code suggestions, helping you write code faster and more accurately.
  • Amazon Q Developer - An AI coding companion that generates code suggestions in real time based on your comments and existing code. It is designed to accelerate the development process and improve code quality.    
Code Review & Bug Detection Tools

AI tools can automate code analysis, identifying potential issues like syntax errors, style violations, security vulnerabilities, and performance problems.


LLMs can provide natural language feedback on code changes, reducing the burden on human reviewers. ML models can learn normal coding patterns and flag potential bugs, helping identify subtle issues.


  • DeepCode - DeepCode uses static analysis and machine learning to identify potential vulnerabilities and bugs in your code, even before you run it.
  • Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer - Leverages machine learning to identify critical issues, security vulnerabilities, and deviations from best practices in your code. It integrates with popular code repositories and CI/CD pipelines.
  • Code Climate - A static code analysis platform employing AI to assess code quality and detect issues like code complexity, duplication, and style violations. Offers seamless integration with various code repositories and CI/CD tools.    
  • Codacy - Automates code reviews and identifies code quality issues, security vulnerabilities, and code style violations. Provides clear and actionable feedback to improve code quality.    
Testing and Debugging Tools

AI can help streamline the generation, execution, and analysis of code, enhancing test coverage while minimizing manual labor. LLMs can create test cases from natural language descriptions, and AI-driven tools to detect patterns and irregularities.


AI predicts where new bugs are likely to occur and analyzes program execution to pinpoint the root cause of errors. LLMs assist in understanding error messages and suggest potential fixes. AI also prioritizes test cases based on their likelihood of uncovering bugs.


  • Applitools - This AI-powered tool automates visual testing, ensuring your application's user interface remains consistent across different browsers, devices, and screen sizes.
  • Mabl - A no-code test automation platform, Mabl leverages AI to create and maintain test cases, reducing the time and effort required for testing.
  • Functionize - Employs AI to create and execute functional tests for web applications. It boasts features like natural language processing for test creation and self-healing capabilities to reduce maintenance.
  • Code Intelligence - A dynamic testing tool that uses AI to identify potential bugs and security vulnerabilities during development. It analyzes code execution paths and automatically generates test cases. 
DevOps Tools

AI automates building, deploying, and testing for faster and more reliable releases. ML models predict failures, while LLMs generate scripts. AI also automates testing and quality assurance. It analyzes logs, metrics, and traces to identify patterns and anomalies, enabling proactive issue detection and resolution. ML models predict system failures, and LLMs help developers understand complex monitoring data.


AI tools help prioritize and automate initial triage and response based on severity and impact. ML models analyze incident patterns and identify root causes for faster resolution and prevention.


  • Dynatrace - This platform utilizes AI to provide full-stack observability, automatically detecting and diagnosing performance problems in complex cloud-native environments. 
  • GitLab - This DevOps platform integrates AI and ML capabilities across its various stages, from code review to deployment. GitLab's AI features assist with code suggestions, vulnerability detection, and automated testing, among others, aiming to streamline the development process and improve code quality.  
  • Harness - Continuous delivery platform that utilizes AI and ML to optimize software deployments. It provides capabilities like intelligent rollback, automated verification, and continuous verification to improve deployment success rates and reduce downtime. 

Benefits of Using AI/LLM in Secure Coding

How AI and Security Work Together

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According to Insight, 72% of business leaders believe that implementing AI will enhance their teams' productivity.

Artificial intelligence is swiftly reshaping the software development field. AI-powered tools are becoming essential for developers, aiding in everything from generating code snippets to identifying vulnerabilities. This transformation holds the promise of increasing productivity and enhancing code quality.

AI/ML/LLM Can Be Used To Identify Vulnerabilities

AI/LLMs are becoming powerful tools in identifying software vulnerabilities, employing various approaches:   

  1. Static Code Analysis - AI and machine learning models detect patterns linked to known vulnerabilities and monitor data flow to identify potential malicious input routes. LLMs understand code context to spot logical errors or insecure practices even without explicit patterns.

  2. Dynamic Analysis: AI/ML can enhance fuzzing tools to generate diverse inputs for uncovering hidden vulnerabilities and analyze application behavior and network traffic to detect anomalies indicating potential attacks or exploits.

  3. Vulnerability Prediction - ML models can be trained on historical vulnerability data to predict the likelihood of new code containing vulnerabilities, while LLMs can analyze commit messages, code comments, and bug reports to predict potential security issues based on the language used, allowing developers to prioritize security reviews.

Security Journey Secure Code

AI/ML/LLM Can Be Used To Generate Secure Code

AI/ML/LLMs have emerged as powerful tools for aiding in the generation of secure code, contributing to a more proactive approach to application security. Here are some ways they are used:

  1. Code Completion and Suggestions - AI-powered code assistants provide real-time secure code suggestions and improvements, leveraging vast codebases to identify vulnerabilities and ensure best security practices.
  1. Automated Code Generation - AI/LLMs can create secure code from natural language descriptions, saving time and letting developers focus on complex tasks.
  1. Security-Focused Code Review - AI/ML models can detect security flaws, suggest fixes, and provide insights to improve code security, while LLMs enhance code readability and maintainability with comments and explanations.
  1. Vulnerability Prediction and Prevention - AI/ML models can predict potential vulnerabilities in new code and suggest secure coding alternatives, allowing developers to proactively address security risks.
  1. Secure Code Refactoring - AI/ML-powered tools can assist developers in refactoring existing code to enhance security. These tools can suggest safer implementations and automatically perform code transformations while preserving functionality.

AI/ML/LLM Can Be Used to Improve The Efficiency Of Secure Coding

AI/ML/LLMs have the potential to significantly improve the efficiency of secure coding practices in several ways:

  1. Real-Time Vulnerability Detection and Prevention - AI-powered IDE plugins and static code analysis tools can identify potential security vulnerabilities as code is being written, providing context-aware security suggestions and enabling developers to address issues immediately.

  2. Automated Security Testing and Remediation - AI can enhance fuzzing tools to find hidden vulnerabilities and suggest or even generate code fixes, speeding up the remediation process and maintaining effective security measures.

  3. Continuous Learning and Improvement - AI/ML can analyze extensive data to identify new vulnerabilities and best practices, helping security teams stay ahead of threats and adapt to changing landscapes.

Risks of Developers Using AI/LLM

Should You Combine AI and Software Development?

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Nearly 40% of developers have indicated they are concerned that AI-generated code may introduce security vulnerabilities, according to GitLab.

As developers adopt these advanced AI tools, it's essential to understand that they are not a cure-all for security issues. While AI can assist in identifying and mitigating certain risks, it cannot substitute for human expertise and a robust security mindset.

Read About What Your Devs Are Doing with AI and How it Impacts Your Software Security

To ensure the safe and effective use of AI in development, it's crucial to prioritize secure coding practices and invest in ongoing education and skill enhancement.

Security Journey Software Code

Potential For AI/ML/LLM To Introduce New Vulnerabilities In Software Code

AI/LLMs offer tremendous benefits for software development, but they also introduce potential risks and can inadvertently introduce new vulnerabilities into code:

  • Inaccurate, Insecure, or Contextually Blind Code Generation - AI models can generate code that is incorrect, contains vulnerabilities, or is inappropriate for the specific context, leading to unexpected behavior and potential security risks.

    For instance, an AI model might generate code that is syntactically correct but semantically incorrect, leading to unintended consequences or vulnerabilities. Additionally, AI models might not fully understand the context of the code they are generating, leading to the inclusion of unnecessary or harmful code elements.

  • Hidden Dependencies and Vulnerabilities - AI-generated code might introduce security risks by including outdated or vulnerable third-party libraries, as well as transitive dependencies that can bring in additional vulnerabilities. These hidden dependencies can be difficult to identify and mitigate, as they might not be directly visible in the generated code.

    For example, an AI model might suggest using a popular library that is known to contain vulnerabilities, without considering the potential risks associated with using it.

  • Lack of Domain Expertise - AI models might not have the same level of domain expertise as human developers, leading to the generation of code that is not optimized for performance, security, or maintainability.

    For example, an AI model might generate code that is inefficient or difficult to understand, making it more prone to errors and harder to maintain.

Over-Reliance on AI/ML/LLM Can Lead To Complacency

Over-reliance on AI/LLMs in coding can lead to complacency in several ways, potentially hindering the growth and expertise of developers:

  • Reduced Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills - When AI tools readily provide code solutions, developers may become less inclined to engage in deep analysis, problem-solving, and troubleshooting. This can lead to a decline in critical thinking abilities and the ability to understand the underlying principles of coding.

  • Decreased Understanding of Code - Relying heavily on AI-generated code can create a "black box" scenario where developers don't fully grasp the intricacies of the code they are working with. This can hinder their ability to identify and fix errors, customize solutions, and optimize code for performance and security.

  • Blind Trust in AI - Developers might develop a blind trust in AI-generated code, assuming it's always correct and secure. This can lead to overlooking errors or potential security vulnerabilities, putting the application and its users at risk.

Security Journey Malicious Attacks

Hackers Using AI/LLM For Malicious Purposes

AI/LLMs, while offering significant benefits to software development, can also be misused for malicious purposes, posing serious security risks. Here are some of the concerning ways they can be exploited:

  • Malware Creation and Exploit Development - AI/LLMs can be used to generate sophisticated malware, including polymorphic variants that evade traditional security tools. Additionally, given information about vulnerabilities, AI/LLMs can potentially aid in creating exploits, lowering the barrier of entry for attackers who might not have the technical expertise to develop exploits manually.

    For instance, AI/LLMs can be used to create new malware families or variants of existing malware, making it more difficult for security teams to detect and respond to threats. 

  • Evasion and Obfuscation - AI/LLMs can be used to generate code or modify malware in ways that evade detection by traditional security tools and conceal malicious intent, making attacks more stealthy and difficult to detect. Additionally, AI/LLMs can be used to generate polymorphic malware that changes its appearance with each execution, making it more difficult for security tools to detect and block.

    For example, AI/LLMs can be used to generate obfuscated code that is difficult for humans to understand and analyze, making it more challenging for security teams to identify malicious activity. 

  • Supply Chain Attacks - AI/LLMs can be used to identify vulnerabilities in software supply chains and exploit them to compromise downstream applications.

    For example, AI/LLMs can be used to identify third-party libraries or components that contain vulnerabilities and then target these components to gain access to the systems that use them.

4 Ways You Can Mitigate AI/LLM Risks with Secure Coding Training

How to Safely Leverage AI and Security

Secure coding training plays a crucial role in mitigating the risks associated with using AI/ML/LLM in software development. This training involves comprehensive education on best practices, common vulnerabilities, and the latest security protocols.

By equipping developers with the knowledge and skills to write secure code, organizations can ensure that the benefits of these powerful technologies are leveraged responsibly and safely. Developers learn to identify potential security threats, implement robust security measures, and stay updated with evolving security standards.

This proactive approach not only protects sensitive data and intellectual property but also fosters a culture of security awareness and continuous improvement within the development team.

Reduce Inaccurate or Insecure Code Generation

Developers trained in secure coding practices are better equipped to identify and correct errors or vulnerabilities in AI-generated code.

They can understand the context and implications of AI suggestions, ensuring that the final code meets security standards.

Identify and Mitigate Hidden Dependencies

Security training helps developers recognize the potential for vulnerabilities in third-party libraries and dependencies. 

This allows them to proactively evaluate and mitigate risks associated with AI-suggested components, ensuring that the software supply chain remains secure. 

Enhance Human Oversight and Critical Thinking

Secure coding training emphasizes the importance of human judgment and critical thinking when working with AI-generated code.

This encourages developers to review, validate, and test AI-generated code thoroughly before incorporating it into projects, mitigating the risk of over-reliance on AI.

Protect Against Adversarial Attacks

Developers trained in secure coding practices are better prepared to anticipate and defend against potential adversarial attacks on AI models. 

They can implement security measures to safeguard training data, detect malicious inputs, and enhance the robustness of AI-powered tools.

Why Continuous Learning is Key in the AI Era

Fostering a culture of continuous learning within your organization goes beyond individual development - it's about building a cybersecurity stronghold.

How You Can Stay Ahead of the Curve: Why Continuous Learning is Key in the AI Era

One effective way to cultivate this culture is by implementing ongoing secure coding training. By incorporating regular, interactive training sessions into the development lifecycle, developers stay updated on the latest secure coding practices, vulnerabilities, and mitigation techniques. 

By investing in their education and growth, security professionals can:

  • Stay Ahead of the Curve - The threat landscape is a constantly evolving battlefield. New vulnerabilities, attack vectors, and technologies emerge daily.
  • Adapt to the AI Revolution - AI is transforming the field. Continuous learning enables you to master AI-driven security solutions, understand the complexities of AI-powered threats, and develop countermeasures to protect your organization in this new era.
  • Become a Cyber Sleuth - The ability to think critically and solve problems under pressure is crucial for any security professional. Continuous learning hones these skills, allowing you to quickly identify, analyze, and respond to threats like an experienced detective.

This proactive approach empowers them to identify and address potential security flaws during the development process, reducing the risk of costly breaches in the future.

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See how we can help transform your application security efforts with training that developers enjoy taking.

Security Journey's AI/LLM Security Training

Training Your Developers In AI Security Made Easy


This is more than just an AI/LLM secure coding training course—it's a customized journey designed to meet your team's specific needs. Security Journey's AI/LLM Secure Coding Training will transform your team's perspective on technology, highlighting not only its benefits but also the potential threats to your application's security.

Here's what sets it apart:

  • Self-Paced - Bite-sized modules, interactive lessons, quizzes, and hands-on exercises mean learning happens at your own pace, not someone else's.
  • Directly Addresses AI/LLM Security -  Unlike generic security courses, this path laser-focuses on the specific secure code training for AI, ML, and LLMs.
  • Real-World Scenarios - Our hands-on labs and practical exercises aren't hypothetical. They simulate real-world attack vectors and defensive strategies, equipping you to identify and thwart security threats in the real world.
  • Ongoing Support - Your journey with security doesn't end after you complete the path. Security Journey provides ongoing resources and access to a community of security experts. You'll have the support to stay ahead of the curve and address any challenges.

Stay Secure in the Age of AI with Security Journey

Empower your team with Security Journey's Secure Coding Training. Our comprehensive training covers the specific security risks associated with AI tools, teaching developers how to use them responsibly and write code that's functional and fortified against vulnerabilities.

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