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Security Journey PCI

Your Business Guide to PCI-DSS Compliance Training

Navigating the complexities of PCI-DSS compliance is crucial for businesses handling sensitive cardholder data. Security Journey offers comprehensive, secure coding training programs designed to equip your team with the knowledge and skills to meet Requirement 6.

With a focus on hands-on learning and practical application, our lessons empower your organization to build a security-first culture.

What You Need To Know About PCI-DSS Compliance

What is PCI-DSS?

PCI DSS is an acronym for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. These rules went into effect in 2006 to ensure that credit card data is secured uniformly. The five major credit card companies—Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and JCB—set up the PCI Security Standards Council to manage and administer PCI DSS.

There are 12 security goals every merchant must meet to be considered PCI compliant.

  1. Install and maintain a firewall to protect cardholder data.
  2. Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for passwords or other security parameters.
  3. Provide multiple layers of security defenses to protect stored data.
  4. Encrypt all data transmissions.
  5. Use and update anti-virus software or programs.
  6. Use secure systems and applications, including secure coding training for your developers.
  7. Limit access to credit card data to only those employees who need it.
  8. Give each person with access to cardholder data their own access ID.
  9. Restrict physical access to cardholder data.
  10. Monitor all access to network resources and card data.
  11. Regularly test security systems and processes.
  12. Create and maintain a security policy.

While meeting PCI compliance requirements can feel like a time consuming and sometimes daunting task – not being PCI compliant can be devastating to your organization.

What You Need To Know About Secure Coding Training for PCI DSS v4.0 Requirements

PCI DSS v4.0 was released in March 2022 and is the most significant update to the standard since its 2006 release. It introduces several new requirements and updates existing ones.

Here's a simplified breakdown of the essentials:

  • Build a secure network - firewalls and updated security settings are your first line of defense
  • Protect cardholder data - encrypt data at rest and especially during transmission 
  • Keep systems up-to-date - Patching holes and updating your software against new threats is key 
  • Train your developers - Secure coding practices help ensure that your applications themselves don't introduce vulnerabilities that could be exploited 
  • Control who has access - Limit access to sensitive information based on job roles
  • Monitor and test your security - Constant monitoring and regular testing help you spot potential issues quickly 
  • Have clear rules - A documented security policy gives your team clear guidelines for handling sensitive data



Version 4.0 brings significant updates, and understanding these changes is vital for any business that deals with payment card data.  

Let's dive into some of the key highlights: 

Expanded Scope of Technologies

PCI-DSS v4.0 now casts a wider net, encompassing a broader range of systems and technologies interacting with cardholder data.

This includes cloud-based environments, mobile payment solutions, and any service providers your organization relies on. 

Customized Approach

One of the most significant shifts in v4.0 is introducing a "customized approach" to demonstrating compliance. Unlike the fixed checklist approach of previous versions, organizations now have greater flexibility to tailor security measures to their specific risk profiles.

However, this also demands more informed decision-making to ensure all security objectives are met. 

Increased Focus on Risk Management

 PCI-DSS v4.0 emphasizes proactive risk management. This means organizations need to dedicate more resources to identifying potential threats and developing tailored strategies to mitigate them effectively.

This risk-based approach fosters a more dynamic security posture. 

Security Journey Secure Coding Training PCI

How Secure Coding Training Protects Your Business 

Think of secure coding training as an investment in your business's future. It's not just about writing better lines of code – it's about fortifying your business against costly and reputation-damaging data breaches.  

The benefits of this training extend far beyond just the technical side of PCI-DSS compliance: 

  • Reduced Risk - Addressing coding vulnerabilities significantly minimizes your exposure to data breaches that can lead to fines and penalties. 
  • Reputation Protection - Customers trust businesses that prioritize data security. Secure coding demonstrates your commitment to safeguarding their financial information and builds loyalty. 
  • Beyond Compliance - The knowledge gained in secure coding training benefits your development team in countless ways. It leads to higher-quality, more robust software overall, reducing risk throughout your business processes. 

Secure coding isn't an extra expense – it's an investment in your company's long-term success. 

Top 5 PCI-DSS Compliance Challenges Businesses Face

Challenge 1: Understanding and Maintaining Scope 

Having a clear understanding of your Cardholder Data Environment (CDE) is crucial for PCI-DSS compliance. The CDE encompasses all the people, processes, and systems that store, transmit, or process cardholder data. This can be complex, especially for businesses with intricate or evolving technology infrastructures. However, accurately defining the CDE is the foundation for developing a successful compliance strategy. By thoroughly mapping your CDE, you can identify and prioritize the controls that need to be implemented to safeguard cardholder data. 


Challenge 2: Technical Complexity 

PCI-DSS mandates a range of robust security measures to protect cardholder data. Correctly configuring and implementing these security measures can be challenging. For instance, firewalls require ongoing maintenance to keep pace with evolving cyber threats. Encryption solutions come in various forms, each with its strengths and complexities. Establishing granular access controls necessitates a thorough understanding of user roles and data sensitivity levels. 


Challenge 3: Resource Constraints

The initial process of achieving compliance can be time-consuming and require a significant investment of resources. Maintaining ongoing compliance necessitates continued vigilance and adaptation to evolving security threats. This can feel especially burdensome for businesses focused on core operations and growth. 

However, there are solutions to help businesses address these resource constraints. Many cost-effective tools and technologies are available to streamline the PCI-DSS compliance process. These tools can automate data discovery, secure coding training, vulnerability scanning, and reporting tasks.  


Challenge 4: Evolving Standards 

The PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) periodically updates the PCI-DSS standard to address new security threats and technologies. Version 4.0, introduced in 2022, brought significant changes, including focusing on risk management and zero-trust principles. Keeping up with these updates and adapting internal processes to meet new requirements can be challenging for businesses.  

Staying informed on the latest standards and their implications requires ongoing effort. PCI SSC provides a wealth of resources to help businesses navigate these changes, including detailed documentation, educational materials, and online training. By dedicating resources to staying current on PCI-DSS updates, businesses can ensure their compliance efforts remain effective. 


Challenge 5: Third-Party Vendor Management 

Many businesses rely on third-party vendors to handle various operations, including payment processing. This introduces an element of risk, as the security practices of these vendors can directly impact your own PCI-DSS compliance. The PCI DSS standard requires businesses to ensure that their third-party vendors are also PCI-DSS compliant.  

However, vetting vendors to assess their security posture can be complex. Furthermore, ongoing monitoring is essential to ensure vendors maintain adequate security controls. 



Top 5 PCI-DSS Myths Debunked

Unfortunately, many businesses mistakenly believe PCI-DSS compliance is overly complex, unnecessary, or only applies to large organizations. We compiled five of the most common PCI-DSS myths to help clarify the real facts.

"My business is too small for PCI-DSS compliance."

Fact: Any business processing, storing, or transmitting cardholder data must comply with PCI-DSS, regardless of size. 

"PCI-DSS compliance is only the IT department's problem." 

Fact: Security is a company-wide responsibility; everyone handling sensitive data needs to be aware. 

"Outsourcing payment processing absolves me of all responsibility." 

Fact: Your business retains liability even when working with third-party payment providers. 

"PCI-DSS compliance is too difficult and expensive." 

Fact: The cost of non-compliance (fines, lost business, reputation damage) far outweighs the investment in security. 

"Once I'm PCI-DSS compliant, I'm done." 

Fact: Compliance is ongoing. Security threats and PCI-DSS standards evolve. Regular assessments and updates are essential. 

Wave Decoration

Cost of PCI-DSS Training

How Much Should PCI Training Cost?


The cost of PCI training can vary depending on several factors. 

  • Company Size and Licenses - Depending on the number of learners, you may be entitled to volume discounts or custom pricing based on the number of licenses
  • Training Format - When designing a training program involves deciding between in-person or online training.  

  • Choosing Your Training Vendor -  it is essential to compare the pricing offered by vendors based on their reputation, track record, and, most importantly, specialization in secure coding. 

When considering training costs, remember that even the most expensive program pales in comparison to the financial repercussions of a data breach. Choose a reputable training provider that offers programs tailored to your business needs and employee skill levels to get the most value.

Free vs. Paid PCI Training: Which Is Best For Your Organization?

Security Journey Secure Coding Training PCI Free Training

Free PCI Training

Free PCI training courses are readily available online. These courses are an excellent option for organizations with limited budgets or employees needing to complete the training quickly. Free courses typically cover the basics of PCI DSS, including the 12 requirements, but may not be as comprehensive as paid courses.

A potential issue with free courses is that the quality may vary. For example, some free courses may be poorly designed or not provide enough information for employees to understand the requirements fully. 

Security Journey Secure Coding Training PCI Paid Training

Paid PCI Training

Paid PCI training courses typically offer more comprehensive training than free courses. They are designed to ensure that employees understand the requirements of the PCI DSS standard thoroughly.

These courses may offer more in-depth information, case studies, and interactive exercises to help employees apply their knowledge to real-world situations. Experienced instructors often teach paid courses and may offer certification upon completion. 

The True Cost of PCI-DSS Non-Compliance

Security Journey Secure Coding Training PCI Cost

Don't gamble with your business's security and reputation. PCI-DSS compliance is an investment, not a cost. By achieving and maintaining compliance, you significantly reduce your financial risk exposure, safeguard sensitive customer data, and build trust that translates into loyal customers. 


Direct Costs of PCI-DSS Non-Compliance 

PCI non-compliance can hit your wallet hard. Non-compliance fees can start small, at $10 to $100 per month, but quickly snowball into significant expenses. These fees are levied by acquiring banks and card brands, increasing over time the longer you remain non-compliant. 

Here's a breakdown of the potential financial penalties: 

    • Data Breach Forensic Investigation and Remediation - After a breach, a forensic investigation is mandatory to determine the cause and scope of the issue. These investigations can be costly, especially for more significant breaches. 
    • Payment Card Brand Fines - In addition to the acquiring bank fines, the major payment card brands (Visa, Mastercard, etc.) may also levy their own penalties for non-compliance if a data breach occurs. 


The Hidden Costs of PCI-DSS Non-Compliance 

Beyond the immediate financial penalties of non-compliance, there are significant hidden costs that can cripple your business in the long run. Here's a breakdown of some of the most damaging: 

    • Forensic Investigation and Legal Expenses - A data breach resulting from non-compliance can lead to costly forensic investigations and lawsuits, as seen in Target's 2013 breach tied to PCI non-compliance, which cost $292 million.
    • Loss of Customer Trust - Data breaches can be devastating to brand reputation. Studies show that 66% of consumers wouldn't trust a company that had a data breach, leading to a decline in sales and customer loyalty.


Long-Term Impact of PCI-DSS Non-Compliance 

In addition to the immediate financial penalties of a data breach, non-compliance with PCI-DSS can significantly negatively impact your business in the long term. Here are two key areas to consider: 

    • Increased Processing Fees - Card brands may increase transaction fees for merchants who are not PCI-compliant. These fees can erode profit margins over time, hindering your business's ability to grow. 
    • Loss of Merchant Account - In severe cases of non-compliance, acquiring banks and payment processors may revoke your ability to process card payments altogether. This effectively shuts down your business operations and can be incredibly difficult to recover. 

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PCI Compliance and Secure Coding Training

Continuous secure coding training for your SDLC can meet many updates and new requirements in PCI DSS v4.0.

Secure coding training typically covers topics such as common software vulnerabilities, secure coding best practices, and how to use security tools and techniques to find and fix software vulnerabilities. It may also cover specific programming languages and frameworks and how to write secure code in those contexts. 

Let’s look at how secure coding training can help meet PCI DSS 6.2.2, 6.2.3, and 6.2.4: 

Secure Coding Training for PCI DSS v4.0 6.2.2

PCI DSS v4.0 6.2.2 states: 


“Software development personnel remain knowledgeable about secure development practices; software security; and attacks against the languages, frameworks, or applications they develop. Personnel are able to access assistance and guidance when required.”


This means that software development personnel are trained annually on: 

  • Software security relevant to their job function and development languages 
  • Secure software design and secure coding techniques 
  • How to use the tools for detailed vulnerabilities in software 

More specific guidelines have been given in PCI DSS v4.0 on how developers should be trained. The training guidelines (stated above) can be easily achieved when you partner with a secure coding training partner for a continuous secure coding training program. 


A yearly OWASP Top 10 training will only meet some of the requirements outlined in 6.2.2, and depending on your organization, you may need a solution to meet different languages, technologies, and frameworks in addition to common vulnerabilities and tools. 

Secure Coding Training for PCI DSS v4.0 6.2.3

PCI DSS v4.0 6.2.3 states: 


“Having code reviewed by someone other than the original author, who is both experienced in code reviews and knowledgeable about secure coding practices, minimizes the possibility that code containing security or logic errors that could affect the security of cardholder data is released into a production environment. Requiring management approval that the code was reviewed limits the ability for the process to be bypassed.” 


This means that software is supposed to be reviewed before being released into production to identify correct potential coding vulnerabilities as follows: 

  • Code reviews ensure that code is developed according to secure coding guidelines 
  • Code reviews look for both existing and emerging vulnerabilities 
  • Appropriate corrections are implemented before the release 

Code reviews are a common practice within the code development process; according to a recent EMA report, 95.3% of organizations utilize code reviews for secure coding.  


Secure coding training can improve code reviews by providing developers with the knowledge and skills to write more secure, higher-quality code. By doing so, developers can reduce the number of security issues that need to be identified and corrected during code reviews, making the process more efficient and effective. 

Secure Coding Training for PCI DSS v4.0 6.2.4

PCI DSS v4.0 6.2.4 states:


“Bespoke and custom software cannot be exploited via common attacks and related vulnerabilities.” 


This means that software engineering techniques should be used to prevent or mitigate common software attacks, including: 

  • Injection Attacks 
  • Attacks on Data Structures 
  • Attacks on Cryptography Usage 
  • Attacks on Business Logic 
  • Attacks on Access Control Mechanisms 
  • Attacks via “High-Risk” Vulnerabilities 

It may seem pretty straightforward to say, ‘Don’t let your code be exploited,’ but what this requirement comes down to is the ability to show that your organization did what it could to prevent your code from being exploited by common attacks (aka OWASP Top 10). 


The best way to learn how to prevent exploitations and attacks is through – you guessed it – continuous secure coding training. Hands-on training activities will help your developers learn the theory behind preventing attacks and practice breaking and fixing code to better understand how code can be exploited. 

How To Start and Deploy PCI DSS Awareness Training 

By following these steps, an organization can quickly get started on PCI DSS awareness training and ensure its employees can securely handle payment card information. 


SJ_CreditCardIconDetermine the Scope of the Training 

Please identify employees who handle payment card information, such as those who process payments, access cardholder data, manage networks and systems, and write code. These employees should undergo compliance training, receive certification, and participate in ongoing training.



SJ_SecureCodingTrainingIdentify the Training Needs 

Based on the training scope, identify each group's training needs. For example, employees who process payments may need to understand how to handle card data securely, while developers should understand how to avoid creating vulnerabilities in code. By identifying and tracking your organization's training needs, you can easily share those needs with future vendors to ensure you have access to the training you need. 



SJ_SecureCodingTrainingDeliverDevelop Training Materials 

Once you've identified your training needs, it's time to develop your training materials. While large organizations may have the capacity to develop training materials in-house, most organizations will have more success by finding a trusted vendor, such as Security Journey, to provide expertly-made training programs that include the content your learners need.



SJ_SecureCodingDeliverTrainingDeliver the Training 

Deliver training to identified groups using chosen methods such as in-person, online, or combined. Working with a vendor for online PCI compliance training provides access to various learning modalities, from interactive paths to group tournaments, making it easier for the program administrator.



SJ_SecureCodingTrainingComplianceAssess the Effectiveness of the Training 

After the training has been delivered, assess the effectiveness of the training by testing the knowledge of the individuals who received the training. This can be done through quizzes, surveys, or other forms of assessment. At Security Journey, our training effectiveness is measured through assessments and learning swing to quantifiably identify how effective the training is for learners. 



SJ_SecureCodingTrainingReviewReview And Update the Training 

Review the training periodically and update it as necessary to ensure it remains relevant and effective. As new vulnerabilities and threats are discovered, keeping your team up-to-date and ready to protect your customers is essential. 

Security Journey Secure Coding Path Training

Security Journey's PCI Compliance Learning Path: Your Road to Success

This isn't just another training course—it's a guided journey tailored to your team's needs. Security Journey's PCI Compliance Learning Path isn't just about checking the compliance boxes. By investing in your team's security skills in your team's security skills and knowledge, you'll reap a multitude of benefits.

Here's what sets it apart: 

  • Self-Paced - Bite-sized modules, interactive lessons, quizzes, and hands-on exercises mean learning happens at your own pace, not someone else's.
  • Directly Addresses PCI DSS 4.0 - Unlike generic security courses, this path laser-focuses on the specific secure code training requirements outlined in PCI DSS 4.0.
  • Beyond the Checklist - We don't just teach you to pass an audit; we empower you to build a security-first culture. Threat modeling, secure coding best practices, and offensive/defensive exercises create well-rounded security pros.
  • Real-World Scenarios - Our hands-on labs and practical exercises aren't hypothetical. They simulate real-world attack vectors and defensive strategies, equipping you to identify and thwart security threats in the real world.
  • Ongoing Support - Your journey with security doesn't end after you complete the path. Security Journey provides ongoing resources and access to a community of security experts. You'll have the support to stay ahead of the curve and address any challenges. 

PCI-DSS Tips and Guidance

Top 8 PCI DSS Compliance Tips

Achieving PCI compliance requires ongoing effort and vigilance. Following these tips can help protect your business and customers' sensitive data from theft and fraud. Remember, compliance is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. So stay vigilant and keep your systems secure to protect your business and customers. 

Understand The Scope of PCI DSS Requirements

Knowing what systems, applications, and devices in your organization are in scope and need to comply with the standards is crucial. A security awareness program and secure coding training can help educate everyone within your SDLC on PCI DSS requirements. 

Keep Your Systems Updated and Patched

Keeping all your systems updated and patched is crucial in maintaining a secure environment. Make sure to install all the necessary security patches for your operating systems, software, and applications to avoid vulnerabilities.

Use Strong Passwords and Multi-Factor Authentication

Use strong passwords and multi-factor authentication to protect access to your systems and data. Passwords should be complex and changed regularly. Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection by requiring users to provide additional information, such as a fingerprint or a security token. 

Use Encryption to Protect Sensitive Data

Use encryption to protect sensitive data such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other personal information. In addition, encryption can help protect data in transit and at rest, making it unreadable to unauthorized users. 

Limit Access to Sensitive Data

Limit access to sensitive data to only those who need it to perform their jobs. This can be done by implementing role-based access controls, granting access to only those with a business need to access the data. 

Monitor and Log All System Activity

Monitoring and logging all system activity can help quickly detect and respond to security incidents. You can track any suspicious activity and identify potential threats by keeping a log of all activities. 

Perform Regular Vulnerability Scans and Penetration Testing

Performing regular vulnerability scans and penetration testing can help identify potential vulnerabilities in your systems and applications. This can help you take corrective action before a hacker can exploit these vulnerabilities. 

Develop And Maintain a Security Policy

Develop and maintain a security policy that outlines your organization's security measures and procedures. This policy should be regularly updated and communicated to all employees to ensure everyone understands their role in maintaining a secure environment. 

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6 Tips To Encourage PCI Training Completion [with examples]

As a program administrator, you have many responsibilities, including ensuring that your employees complete their assigned training. An ongoing secure coding training program with integrated standard DevSecOps tools and easy-to-use administrative features makes the training process easier for everyone involved.

However, with a few small updates, you can help keep your employees engaged in their training programs.

Beyond Compliance

Many organizations see the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) as just a compliance checklist. However, this limited perspective ignores its real potential as a thorough security framework.

When approached strategically, PCI-DSS is more than just a set of rules; it serves as a guide for establishing a strong application security program that safeguards sensitive cardholder data and promotes a culture of security within your organization.

Security Journey PCI Compliance

Why to Go Beyond PCI Compliance Requirements to Secure Your Organization

It's important to remember that being fully compliant with PCI DSS doesn't guarantee immunity from breaches. While compliance can improve overall security, it's only a minimum standard and doesn't ensure complete protection.

Additionally, some people mistakenly view PCI compliance as a one-time accomplishment. However, hackers are constantly evolving, and new threats are always emerging. Viewing compliance as a yearly checkbox creates significant risks and a false sense of security.

To truly protect sensitive information, companies should proactively maintain secure systems, provide ongoing PCI developer training, and treat PCI compliance as just the starting point for overall data security.

How To Go Beyond PCI-DSS Compliance (by PCI Requirement)

Requirement 1: Install and Maintain a Firewall Configuration to Protect Cardholder Data

Make sure to create strict firewall rules based on the answers to these questions. It's best to use an allowlist approach, which means allowing only approved apps, software, emails, domains, IPs, etc., and blocking everything else. Additionally, add restrictive rules to deny administrators access to specific devices outside your firewall. This will help prevent unauthorized access from both external and insider threats.


Requirement 2: Do Not Use Vendor-Supplied Defaults for System Passwords and Other Security Parameters

Follow the recommended hardening guide when installing new software to meet compliance requirements. Implement additional protection mechanisms and only install the necessary components for your application. Consider a defense-in-depth approach by separating duties in your software deployment process and isolating servers based on function. Additionally, consider air-gapping your testing environment from the Internet for added security.


Requirement 3: Protect Stored Cardholder Data

To comply with this requirement, it's best not to store any cardholder data. Instead, you can use a payment gateway and store only the customers' ID and successful payment confirmations, or you can use tokenization. Tokenization involves replacing sensitive information like cardholder data with a random string called a token, which does not reveal any sensitive information about the original data and cannot be modified. This approach is easy and cost-effective to implement and will reduce your PCI scope, making the compliance process easier.


Requirement 4: Encrypt Transmission of Cardholder Data Across Open, Public Networks

To comply with this requirement, you need to use TLS v1.1 or higher. The good news is that there are many options available, ranging from free single subdomain certificates like those provided by Let's Encrypt to higher-end commercial certificates that display your business name along with a green padlock.

To go beyond the basic requirements, it's recommended that you assess your website using Qualys SSL Labs to ensure that its configuration settings earn it an A+ rating. The minimum version used should be TLS v1.2.


Requirement 5: Protect All Systems Against Malware and Regularly Update Anti-Virus Software or Programs 

Make sure all employee workstations have updated anti-virus software. Use next-gen endpoint security for better protection. Employees must know malware protection policies for PCI compliance.


Requirement 6: Develop and Maintain Secure Systems and Applications

It's important to go beyond the minimum requirements when it comes to security best practices for your Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). Here are some key practices to consider:

  1. Provide hands-on secure coding training - It's highly recommended that developers receive hands-on training that involves actual coding. This type of training ensures that developers learn and practice secure coding, making them more proficient in creating secure code. Studies have shown that hands-on coding exercises are more effective than basic multiple-choice lessons or slide decks.

  2. Utilize static and dynamic code analysis - To strengthen your PCI secure coding initiative, it's essential to test products using both static and dynamic code analysis tools and techniques. Static analysis helps identify coding errors before a program is released, while dynamic analysis helps find additional vulnerabilities that static analysis might miss.

  3. Conduct secure code reviews - Manual code reviews involve a thorough examination of the source code to identify potential security issues that may be missed by automated tools. While these reviews take more time and require individuals with strong security backgrounds, they can uncover vulnerabilities that automated tools might overlook.

  4. Implement bug bounty programs - Since no set of practices can guarantee the absence of vulnerabilities, it's also beneficial to consider implementing a bug bounty program as part of your Vulnerability Disclosure Program.


Requirement 7: Restrict Access to Cardholder Data by Business Need to Know

This requirement specifies that only authorized individuals should have access to the organization's systems. In practical terms, each workstation should only be permitted to access the resources necessary for the user to perform their job effectively. The objective is to restrict users' and services' privileges to the minimum necessary for them to fulfill their duties.


Requirement 8: Identify and Authenticate Access to System Components

It is equally important to provide comprehensive computer security education for all employees. This will help them understand common social engineering techniques used to steal personal data, how to safely use social media, the principles of multi-factor authentication, and how to secure mobile devices. Strong policies and properly trained staff are essential to enhancing an organization's security.


Requirement 9: Restrict Physical Access to Cardholder Data

To ensure comprehensive security, consider these practices:

  1. Secure the data center by locking it and allowing access only to authorized personnel after identity verification. Bolt rack servers to the floor to prevent theft.

  2. Use badges or smart cards for employee and visitor identification, and monitor check-in/out activities.

  3. Implement intrusion detection alarms, motion detectors, and CCTV for added security.

  4. Secure workstations by disconnecting those not in use and setting a short auto-logout time for in-use workstations.

Requirement 10: Track and Monitor All Access to Network Resources and Cardholder Data

It's important to not overlook the requirement of logging, as it can be a valuable tool in tracing a data breach. While logging everything isn't sufficient to stop ongoing attacks, log files are incredibly useful evidence after a data breach. They can help the investigation team understand how an attacker gained unauthorized access.

Monitoring mechanisms must also be implemented to block ongoing attacks. Monitoring processes log files in real-time and identifies anomalies or unusual events. Security personnel must also manually check alerts generated by monitoring technologies and take adequate action in case of a cyber attack.


Requirement 11: Regularly Test Security Systems and Processes

Remember to conduct regular penetration testing audits on your application and infrastructure. Don't just focus on basic security checks; go deeper with threat modeling, social engineering attacks, insider attacks, and critical infrastructure attack simulations. Due to the constantly evolving cybersecurity landscape, these tests should be done every few months.


Requirement 12: Maintain a Policy that Addresses Information Security for All Personnel

An information security policy outlines rules for personnel to protect the organization against threats and ensure business continuity. It covers physical security, sensitive information protection, access control, human resources, hardware devices, software usage, communication encryption, risk assessment, and incident response. Personnel responsibilities should be clearly defined to protect customers' data.


Empower Your Developers With Customized Secure Coding Training

Security Journey offers a comprehensive range of secure coding training materials that adhere to SOC2 standards, WCAG accessibility guidelines, and SCIM user management protocols.
We engage your team with podcast-style videos and five different types of interactive lessons. Our content is designed to be technically thorough and aims to develop security champions. By incorporating our coding lessons, development teams can increase their knowledge by up to 85%.