Security Journey Blog

Secure Coding Training Showdown: Security Journey vs. Secure Code Warrior vs. SecureFlag

Written by Security Journey/HackEDU Team | May 1, 2024 2:15:14 PM

Equipping developers with the knowledge and skills to write secure code from the outset can significantly reduce the risk of vulnerabilities and data breaches. 

This begs the question: how can you empower your developers to become security champions? Investing in developer security training is an essential step. However, with a variety of training platforms available, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming.   

More Resources: Finding the Right Secure Coding Training Platform: A Checklist for Decision-Makers 

This blog post will compare three leading secure coding training providers: Security Journey, Secure Code Warrior, and SecureFlag. We'll delve into their key features, user experience, support options, and ideal use cases to help you make an informed decision for your organization. 


Key Features and How They Stack Up 

Each platform offers a unique way of teaching developers secure coding practices. Let's examine the training methodologies used by Security Journey, Secure Code Warrior, and SecureFlag. 

More Resources: Essential Learner Features for Your Secure Coding Training Platform 


Training Approach 

  • Security Journey - Offers a mix of interactive exercises, hands-on labs, and video lessons catering to various learning styles. This blended approach helps developers learn and retain secure coding practices. 
  • Secure Code Warrior - Uses gamification to make secure coding training more engaging and motivating.   
  • SecureFlag - Lets developers learn by doing in simulated coding environments.  


Content Depth 

  • Security Journey — Offers over 1,000 lessons across 45 languages, technologies, and frameworks that dive deep into the world of vulnerabilities, ensuring your developers are well-equipped to identify and fix security weaknesses in their code. Security Journey also ensures the training aligns with industry standards like OWASP, so you know your developers are learning best practices. 
  • Secure Code Warrior - Covers 147 software vulnerabilities with their self-paced learning paths and learning activities. 
  • SecureFlag — SecureFlag has a solid content library that covers secure coding, DevOps, SOC analysts, cloud, mobile, security awareness, and SDLC. 



  • Security Journey - Allows you to create custom learning paths and adjust training content to match your specific needs. This means ensuring your developers focus on the most relevant security concepts and vulnerabilities for the code they write. 
  • Secure Code Warrior - Create developer training courses on software vulnerabilities important to your organization using a tiered learning approach from multiple training activities. 
  • SecureFlag - Create custom learning paths by combining labs, knowledge base articles, videos, and your own custom resources. 


User Experience and Ease of Use 

Choosing the right secure coding platform isn't just about the content—how developers interact with the platform is equally important. Let's examine the user experience of Security Journey, Secure Code Warrior, and SecureFlag to see how they compare. 

Learn More: AppSec Training Platform Your Program Administrator Will Love 



  • Security Journey - Prioritizes a friendly and intuitive interface. They understand that secure coding concepts can be challenging, so they aim to reduce friction and keep learners engaged. Navigation is logical and clean, ensuring less time spent searching for content. 
  • Secure Code Warrior - All about sleek visuals and that gamified experience. Think leaderboards and stylized progress displays. This works well for those who love a bit of healthy competition while learning. 
  • SecureFlag—The interface is more technical. This can be great for developers who are already comfortable with complex development environments, but some learners may find it less intuitive to navigate. 


Navigation and Search 

  • Security Journey - Their content library is well-organized, with clear categories and labels. This means developers can quickly find the specific lessons or modules they need for their training journey. 
  • Secure Code Warrior -  With assorted features and types of content, SCW requires more administrative overhead. 
  • SecureFlag - With the recent growth of their content catalog, designing effective programs is difficult. 


Support and Resources 

Secure coding training isn't a "set it and forget it" situation. The best platforms know that developers often need support, guidance, and additional resources to continue leveling up their skills.  

More About Admin Support: Essential Features for Your Secure Coding Training Platform: A Checklist for Admins 


Customer Success 

  • Security Journey - Understands that direct human support is key. They provide dedicated Customer Success Managers (CSMs) to help you get the most out of the platform. Whether you're integrating the training into your existing processes or need troubleshooting, CSMs become an extension of your team. 
  • Secure Code Warrior - Offers CSMs for larger enterprise customers. 
  • SecureFlag - Provides support options, but the level of personalized guidance may vary depending on your implementation. 


Additional Resources 

  • Security Journey - They go the extra mile by providing valuable lesson-specific chatsheets and a comprehensive knowledge base. This demonstrates its commitment to helping developers stay up-to-date in the ever-evolving security landscape. 
  • Secure Code Warrior- Has a resource center with monthly industry posts. 
  • SecureFlag – Offers a knowledge base and blog for customers. 


When to Choose Which Secure Coding Training Vendor 

By now, you're probably starting to see that there's no single "best" secure coding training platform for every situation. The key is to find the one that aligns perfectly with your organization's unique needs and your developers' learning preferences. 

If you're looking for a platform that offers a comprehensive learning experience with a strong focus on hands-on practice and customization, Security Journey stands out. Their diverse learning methods cater to various preferences, and their dedicated support ensures a smooth journey for your developers. 

Important News: Security Journey Named ‘Easiest To Do Business With’ in G2 Spring 2024 Report 

Remember, the most effective training platform is the one that your developers will actually use and enjoy. Investing in a solution that resonates with your team will not only drive better security outcomes, but it'll also create a more positive and sustainable learning culture. 


Invest in Security, Invest in Your Future 

The stakes are high when it comes to software security. Investing in secure coding training isn't just a smart move, it's often a necessity to protect your business and its reputation.  

The decision can be complex, but it's important to find a solution that delivers what your team needs. If you're looking for a platform that encourages ongoing developer engagement, produces securely coded applications, and simplifies long-term management,Security Journey's AppSec Education Platform would be a strong contender.