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Secure Your Software's Foundation: Supply Chain Security Training from Security Journey

Supply Chain Security Training from Security Journey

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No longer confined to the physical movement of goods, supply chain threats now permeate the digital realm, targeting the very code that powers our digital world. Developers, positioned at the forefront of software creation, bear a significant responsibility in safeguarding this digital supply chain. 

Read About Mastering Software Supply Chain Security: A Deep Dive into Modern Approaches and Resources 


Understanding the Digital Supply Chain 

Picture your software application as a meticulously constructed complex. It's composed of various elements: custom code written by your team, open-source libraries seamlessly integrated for added functionality, and third-party components sourced externally.  

These components, analogous to building materials, contribute to the overall structure. However, like a building susceptible to structural flaws, vulnerabilities within these components can compromise your application's integrity. 

Supply chain attacks exploit these weaknesses. By injecting malicious code into seemingly benign components, or by compromising the very repositories that store your code, attackers gain unauthorized access, disrupt operations, and potentially exfiltrate sensitive data. 


Why Developer Training Matters 

Developers, as architects and builders of the digital world, wield immense influence over the security posture of the software they create. Their ability to identify and mitigate supply chain risks is crucial to preventing catastrophic breaches. 

Read More About Supply Chain Insecurity 

Training developers in supply chain security fosters a security-conscious mindset. They become adept at evaluating the trustworthiness of third-party components, discerning potential vulnerabilities in open-source libraries, and implementing secure coding practices that minimize risks. 


Key Benefits of Training Developers in Supply Chain Security 

Investing in their security knowledge pays off in big ways: 

  • Proactive Risk Mitigation - Developers equipped with supply chain security knowledge can identify and address potential threats early in the development lifecycle, reducing the likelihood of costly breaches. 
  • Enhanced Code Integrity - By integrating security measures throughout the development process, developers ensure the integrity and resilience of their code, minimizing the risk of unauthorized modifications and exploits. 
  • Improved Incident Response - In the unfortunate event of a supply chain attack, trained developers are better prepared to respond swiftly and effectively, minimizing damage and downtime. 

Empower your developers, and you'll not only build more secure software, but also create a culture of security awareness that benefits your entire organization. 

Read About The GitHub Supply Chain Threat: What You Need to Know Today 


Empower Your Developers with Security Journey's Supply Chain Security Learning Path 

Security Journey's comprehensive learning path equips developers with the knowledge and skills to fortify software supply chains. Through 10 expert-led video lessons, participants gain a deep understanding of essential tools, frameworks, and best practices 

Let’s take a look at the lessons: 

  • Introduction to Software Supply Chain Security - Explore the essential concepts and practices for securing the entire software supply chain, from sourcing and integrating components to managing third-party risks and ensuring continuous security throughout the software lifecycle. 
  • Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework (S2C2F) | Part 1 - Learn how to securely ingest and manage open source software within your projects by leveraging the Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework (S2C2F), focusing on governance, continuous improvement, and scalable practices to ensure the integrity and security of your software supply chain. 
  • Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework (S2C2F) | Part 2 - Dive deeper into the Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework (S2C2F), focusing on key practices such as updating, auditing, enforcing, and rebuilding open source software artifacts to ensure a secure and resilient software supply chain. 
  • S2C2F: Implementation Guide | Part 1 - Learn how to implement the Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework by understanding and applying its maturity levels, progressively enhancing your organization's security practices from basic to advanced, while focusing on key practices such as ingestion, scanning, inventorying, and proactive security measures. 
  • S2C2F: Implementation Guide | Part 2 - Continue to explore the Secure Supply Chain Consumption Framework, focusing on advanced practices such as keeping components up to date, auditing processes, enforcing security measures, rebuilding software in a trusted environment, and addressing critical vulnerabilities, all while progressing through the maturity levels to enhance your organization's security posture. 
  • Software Component Verification Standard (SCVS) | Part 1 - Delve into the Software Component Verification Standard (SCVS), learning how to apply its three maturity levels to secure the software supply chain by implementing practices that include inventory management, creating and maintaining software bills of materials (SBOMs), and ensuring the integrity and provenance of your software components. 
  • Software Component Verification Standard (SCVS) | Part 2 - Continue exploring the Software Component Verification Standard (SCVS) by focusing on Control Families related to hardening the build environment and securing package management, implementing practices across various maturity levels to ensure consistent, secure, and auditable software production and distribution processes. 
  • Software Component Verification Standard (SCVS) | Part 3 - Continue exploring the Software Component Verification Standard (SCVS) by delving into the Control Families for component analysis and pedigree/provenance, learning how to implement automated processes, maintain a chain of custody, and ensure rigorous security practices for both original and modified software components across various maturity levels. 
  • Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) | Part 1 - Explore the concept and benefits of a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), learning how it serves as a comprehensive inventory of software components and their interactions. You'll also address common myths surrounding SBOMs, such as concerns about security, source code exposure, intellectual property, and license violations, while understanding how SBOMs enhance security, compliance, and efficiency within your software supply chain. 
  • Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) | Part 2 - Dive deeper into the lifecycle of a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), from production to consumption, understanding how to automate its creation, ensure its ongoing updates, and effectively use it for incident response and other cybersecurity practices. You'll also explore the different SBOM formats like SPDX, SWID, and Cyclone DX, learning how they evolved and their interoperability, while recognizing the broader role of SBOMs in securing the software supply chain amidst the rapidly evolving landscape of tools and regulations. 


Empower Your Developers, Secure Your Software 

The digital supply chain is complex and ever-evolving. It's no longer enough to rely on perimeter defenses; security must be baked into every line of code, every component, every decision your developers make. 

Security Journey's Supply Chain Security Learning Path provides the in-depth knowledge and practical skills your team needs to build a fortress around your software. From understanding the latest threats to mastering industry-leading frameworks like S2C2F and SCVS, your developers will emerge as proactive defenders, ready to identify and mitigate risks before they turn into headlines. 

Don't wait for a breach to expose the weaknesses in your supply chain. Invest in your developers today, and build a more secure tomorrow with Security Journey.