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Top 5 Challenges Facing Retail Security Managers in 2024 (& How to Overcome Them)

Top 5 Challenges Facing Retail Security Managers in 2024 (and How to Overcome Them)

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In 2024, retail security is synonymous with cybersecurity. The industry's digital transformation has opened doors to both innovation and risk. From e-commerce platforms to point-of-sale systems, code is the backbone of retail operations, and its vulnerabilities are prime targets for cybercriminals.  

Read More About The Top 5 Cybersecurity Threats Retail CTOs Face 

This article outlines managers' top 5 retail security challenges and actionable solutions to safeguard their businesses. 


Challenge #1: Balancing Speed and Security for Retail 

The retail landscape is hyper-competitive, demanding rapid development and deployment of applications and features to stay ahead. This pressure to deliver new functionalities quickly can lead to cutting corners during the coding process.  

Developers might prioritize functionality over security best practices, leaving vulnerabilities unaddressed. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to steal customer data, disrupt operations, or hold systems hostage with ransomware. 

To balance speed and security, try these approaches: 

  • Shift-Left Security - Traditionally, security testing happened late in the development lifecycle, often after code was written and deployed. A more effective strategy is to "shift-left" security by integrating it throughout the development process, conducting security testing early and often, from the design phase to coding and deployment. This helps identify and fix vulnerabilities early, reducing the risk of attacks. 
  • Automated Testing - Security automation is a powerful tool that helps developers write more secure code by scanning for vulnerabilities in real-time and providing immediate feedback for early fixes. Integrating these tools into the development process streamlines security testing and ensures secure code by design. 


Challenge #2: The Ever-Expanding Retail Attack Surface 

The rise of e-commerce has transformed retail but has also led to increased cyber threats. Data breaches, ransomware attacks, and sophisticated phishing schemes pose significant dangers. The consequences include financial losses, damage to reputation, and decreased customer trust. 

Read More About Retail Cybersecurity Threats & The CISO's Guide to Secure Coding 

To combat this ever-evolving threat landscape, retailers must adopt a multi-pronged approach: 

  • Secure Code Training for Developers - Investing in secure coding training enables developers to address vulnerabilities before exploitation proactively. This training equips developers with the knowledge and skills to write code that resists standard cyber-attack methods, reducing the risk of cyberattacks for retailers. 
  • Employee Training - Employees are often the weakest link in a company's cybersecurity chain. Regular security awareness training is essential for educating employees about common threats and best practices for data security. 


Challenge #3: Legacy Retail Security Systems and Technical Debt 

While new technology is appealing, many retailers are challenged by old legacy systems. These systems, built on outdated code, are challenging to maintain and secure. They lack modern security features, making them vulnerable to cybercriminals.  

Visit Your Business Guide to PCI-DSS Compliance Training 

Additionally, technical debt from shortcuts and compromises during development further complicates the issue, making these systems more prone to breaches and disruptions. 

Addressing this challenge requires a strategic approach: 

  • Virtual Patching - While modernization efforts are underway, virtual patching can provide a stopgap solution by applying temporary fixes to known vulnerabilities in legacy systems. It effectively 'patches' them without altering the underlying code, buying valuable time until a more comprehensive fix is implemented. 

By addressing the challenges posed by legacy systems and technical debt, retailers can strengthen their cybersecurity posture and mitigate the risk of costly and disruptive breaches. It's important to remember that modernizing legacy systems is a journey, not a destination. It requires a commitment to continuous improvement and a willingness to adapt to the ever-evolving threat landscape. 


Challenge #4: The Human Element in Retail Security 

In cybersecurity, even the most sophisticated code and robust infrastructure can be rendered useless by the weakest link: human error. No matter how diligently developers adhere to secure coding practices, vulnerabilities can arise from simple mistakes, negligence, or a lack of awareness. 

To mitigate the risk of human error, retailers must prioritize education and preparedness: 

  • Security Awareness Training - Regular and comprehensive security awareness training is crucial for educating individuals about common cyber threats and best practices for data security. By fostering a culture of security awareness, retailers can empower their employees to become active defenders against cyber threats. 
  • Secure Coding Standards - Establishing and enforcing secure coding standards is important to minimize the risk of vulnerabilities introduced by human error. These standards should outline best practices for writing code resistant to common attack vectors.  

By acknowledging human error's role in cybersecurity and taking proactive steps to address it, retailers can strengthen their overall security posture and better protect themselves from the ever-present threat of cyberattacks. 


Challenge #5: Evolving Retail Security Threat Landscape 

Cybersecurity is not a static field. It's a relentless arms race between defenders and attackers. Cybercriminals constantly refine their tactics, develop new attack techniques, and exploit emerging vulnerabilities.  

Access The Admin's Guide to Secure Coding Training Success 

For retailers, what worked yesterday might not be sufficient tomorrow. Vigilance and adaptability are essential for staying ahead of the curve. 

Several strategies can help retailers stay ahead in the cybersecurity arms race: 

  • Continuous Secure Coding Training - Cybersecurity requires constant learning. Developers should stay updated on security trends and best practices by attending conferences, online training, and reading industry publications. This investment ensures that development teams have the skills to write secure code and respond to emerging threats. 
  • Bug Bounty Programs - Bug bounty programs incentivize ethical hackers to find and report vulnerabilities in a retailer's systems, helping companies improve the security of their software and systems. 

Retailers need to take a proactive approach to cybersecurity to protect their businesses and customers from cyberattacks. They must remain vigilant, adapt to new challenges, and continuously improve their defenses. 


Address Your Top Retail Security Challenges 

Secure coding is crucial in the fast-paced retail world. Building secure code is essential to protecting businesses from vulnerabilities as digital transformation increases. Retailers should invest in secure code training, robust security infrastructure, and a culture of security awareness. Prioritizing cybersecurity protects the bottom line and safeguards brand reputation and customer trust in today's digital age. 

Don't wait for a breach to happen – take action now and make security a cornerstone of your retail business strategy.