Security Journey Blog

You Spoke, We Listened: Shorter, Sharper Security Quizzes

Written by Security Journey/HackEDU Team | Jul 23, 2024 5:34:34 PM

Security Journey is committed to delivering engaging, impactful learning experiences that benefit your software development work. We actively seek feedback from thousands of users, and your input shapes our platform's evolution. 

Recently, we heard consistent feedback about our quiz format. You wanted a more streamlined, focused assessment of your secure coding knowledge, and we took that feedback to heart. 


The Downside of Lengthy Quizzes 

Our original quizzes, while comprehensive, consisted of 10 questions per lesson. We designed them to provide a thorough assessment of knowledge retention. However, Lengthy quizzes can hinder adult learning by overwhelming learners with excessive information, leading to cognitive overload and decreased engagement.  

Just-In-Time vs Proactive Secure Code Training: Which One Should You Choose? 

The time commitment required for more extended assessments can detract from valuable learning time and create a sense of burden. Additionally, lengthy quizzes may dilute the focus on critical concepts, potentially sacrificing depth of understanding for breadth of coverage. 


Introducing Our Revamped Quizzes: 5 Questions, Big Impact 

We've dramatically revised our quizzes after careful analysis and discussions with our content experts. We haven't just reduced the number of questions and improved their quality. Expect deeper analysis and a focus on applying your knowledge to real-world situations. 

What Are The Essential Learner Features for Your Secure Coding Training Platform? 

Here are the benefits we expect Security Journey Customers to see with this update include: 

  1. More Impactful - Each quiz now contains just five questions, laser-focused on the most critical secure coding concepts covered in the lesson. These questions challenge your understanding and ensure you've grasped the core principles. 
  2. Reduced Training Time - You can quickly complete quizzes with fewer questions. This means you can move through our lessons faster, acquiring the essential knowledge you need without sacrificing quality. 
  3. Improved Engagement - Shorter, more focused quizzes are inherently more engaging. Since the change, we've seen a significant increase in completion rates, indicating that learners are more motivated to test their knowledge. 

The Result: Quizzes that are more impactful, relevant, and enjoyable. Your learners emerge with a deeper understanding of secure coding principles and the confidence to apply them to your projects. If you are a Security Journey Customer, you can read more about the logistics of this update on our Platform Knowledge Base. 


Your Feedback Drives Our Improvement 

This change is a direct result of our customers’ valuable feedback. We believe in fostering a two-way communication channel with our platform admins. Customer insights are critical in helping us identify areas for improvement and ensuring that our platform stays current with the ever-evolving landscape of secure coding best practices.  

Read About The Essential Features for Your Secure Coding Training Platform: A Checklist for Admins 

We also host regular customer-only webinars along with a customer peer group. Security Journey customers can contact their Customer Success Managers for more information. We encourage you to continue sharing your thoughts and experiences as you journey with us to become a secure coding pro. After all, your success is our success! 

Ready to experience the difference? Dive into our updated lessons today with our demo lessons.